7 March 2015

Arduino LCD Thermometer Part 2


It's complete!! Yay! :). Come check it out!

Well, after a few weeks of just staring at the parts lying on my desk, I finally took the leap and put everything together. It wasn't that difficult to be honest, but I did get a bit of a scare when I was getting a constant temperature of.... ~256 degrees C! It gets warm around here, but... not that warm :).

Overall, it was a pretty simple assembly. All I really did was solder everything onto a piece of stripboard, and then cut it out with a rotary tool. Here is the completed model -

One thing to note is that these things are a bit sensitive to high temperatures, so when your soldering them, it might be a good idea to use some sort of heatsink.

If you need to make any sort of adjustments to the temperature (my readings were a few degrees too low), then you can simply add a value (for me it was about 1.5 degrees) to the temperature after it has been calculated.

Overall, this was a really fun project, and I hope you enjoyed it :).

Unknown Australian Teen

Australian teenager, passionate about electronics, engineering etc, so I decided to blog about it :)

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