27 March 2016

Use a single mouse and keyboard with multiple computers - Synergy setup guide

Synergy setup guide   

How to use your mouse and keyboard with multiple computers at the same time  synergy, synergy-setup, synergy setup

14 May 2015

Installing heatsinks on the Raspberry Pi 2

Raspberry Pi 2 Heatsink Installation Guide

Hi guys! My heatsinks arrived from eBay a few days ago, and I thought I'd just do a quick post on how to install heatsinks on the Raspberry Pi 2

9 May 2015

6 April 2015

2 amazing books for electronics enthusiasts - Make: AVR Programming & Practical Electronics For Inventors

Two great books for Electronics Enthusiasts

 - Make: AVR Programming and Practical Electronics for Inventors

5 April 2015

YuGiOh Performapal Decklist + Tips/Strats

Yugioh Performapal deck list + strategies

Hey, guys! Now, I know what you guys are thinking - “uh... Harrison, you understand that YuGiOh isn't related to electronics or programming AT ALL”?! Yes, I completely understand that… But I still think that people might find this useful/interesting :).

7 March 2015

The 2ds is actually REALLY good!!! Nintendo 2ds review


Nintendo's latest handheld, the 2ds, while bearing the brunt of many jokes, is in fact really, REALLY amazing!